Byron Pet Clinic

25 Frontage Road NE
Byron, MN 55920



Please call if you have any questions about the severity of you pet's symptoms.

It is better to call with a seemingly "silly" question than to wait and have a serious problem develop.

If you note the following, you should call the clinic or emergency center immediately.  Your pet needs to be examined and treated without delay!

  • Difficult or suddenly noisy breathing.
  • Blue or white color in the gums.
  • Injury or disease causing loss of consciousness.
  • Heavy bleeding or bleeding that will not stop.
  • Straining to urinate, especially males.
  • Seizures lasting more than 10 minutes.
  • Ingestion, or even a suspicion of ingestion of anything toxic.  (Bring the package with you!)
  • Sudden onset of paralysis or weakness.
  • Any injury to the eye.
  • Active hard labor without delivering a puppy or kitten in 15 minutes.
  • Extreme pain.
  • Deep penetrating wounds.

The following health problems are serious, but you can probably wait until the next available appointment today..

  • Open wounds.  The sooner we treat it the better it will heal.
  • Severe itching that prevents you or your pet from resting.
  • Change in the appearance of a surgical wound such as swelling, redness or discharge.
  • Tick imbedded in skin.
  • Continuous vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Dangling or non-weight-bearing limbs.
  • Ingestion of inappropriate items- balls, string, elastics, rocks, earplugs etc.

The following problems are less serious and can probably wait until morning.

  • Mild vomiting or diarrhea that lasts more than a day.
  • Small amounts of blood in stool.
  • Mild lameness that hasn't resolved overnight.
  • Shaking or scratching head or trunk.
  • Abnormally bad breath.
  • Anal gland problems (scooting).
  • Cut or blistered footpads with only minor bleeding.
  • Catfight wounds, if animal is otherwise fine.
  • "Hotspots" - superficial skin infestations, unless severely painful.
  • Ear infections and hematomas (swollen ear).
  • Insect stings and bites causing swollen lips.
  • Otherwise healthy animals off-feed for more than 2 days.